Sunday, May 29, 2011

Final Pics from Ho, Ghana

The mechanic shop in the compound where I stayed.

My host mother. She refused to go by any name other than "Mommy."

Sammy, the carpenter, building our new library. He happens also to be the local chief.

Library tables.

It's on its way! (well, we made a few trips)

Kid-friendly shelves.

Broader view.

The new sign post. Emblem design was selected through a student competition.

My surprise farewell ceremony put on by the local community. They dressed me up in special garb.

And decked me out with bracelets.

...and just generally went over-the-top.

Meat pies and malt soda. Mmmm... (thank you British colonialists for your culinary gifts)

No gathering in Ghana is complete without prayer.

My host mother and some awkwardly tall white guy who just went to Ghana on a whim and hung around for eight months!!

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