Sunday, May 29, 2011

And Final Flashbacks to Bakua (my first school)

To begin with, a funny story...

Twice a day children would have to carry water to school from the nearest river.
Like everything else in Ghana, these small girls and boys carry the immense weight on their heads.

So I thought, "If they can do it, why can't I, a fully grown man?"

Well, I managed to suffer through about 20 feet, pose for this painful photo, and then gave up. How these children do it day in and day out, smiling the whole way...their back muscles are ridiculous!

And here are more general highlights:


Serious learning.

Blatant cheating.

This boy refused to button his shirt, ever.


Who says learning can't be fun?

And just hanging out...


Lastly, here are a couple pictures of Macy from that past blog-post about her:

*courtesy, again, of Tony Hoare (

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